Jesus replied, ‘You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’
— Matthew 22:37-39



Without encountering God on a personal level, we cannot hope to know Him. The Father said if we know Jesus, we will know the Father. Our desire is to welcome God's Holy presence into our worship, by honoring and lifting up Jesus, so that authentic encounters with God can bring forgiveness, mercy and healing to all.



The Word of God known as The Bible, is the absolute Truth we stand on for all of life. Jesus said, 'You will know the Truth and the Truth will set you free...your Word is Truth...' Reading, studying, memorizing, preaching and teaching the Word of God is paramount to all we do at Solid Rock. The Bible will be taught to all ages.


Healing The Hurting

Jesus healed all manner of sickness when He was on the earth, Now, as His followers, we seek to love people by believing with them, praying with them and offering spiritual council for those who desire any kind of healing of sickness; Be it spiritual, emotional, mental or physical.


Empowering the believer

Jesus said we would receive power to be His witnesses when the Holy Spirit is come upon us; as well as have authority to overcome all the power of demonic forces. The Holy Spirit is our guide, teacher and comforter. At Solid Rock, we will encourage believers to allow the Holy Spirit to fill them, speak to them and motivate all they do for the Lord.



Jesus said that He came to seek and save those who are lost. He commanded His followers to "Go" into all the world and preach the Good News...that Jesus came to bring us back to the Father. That He was crucified, died and rose again to provide salvation from death and sin. At Solid Rock, we will be actively involved in outreach, both personally and corporately.